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Why it is not easy to work in Turkey for foreigners

When we compare with the other leading economies in the region we cannot find so many foreign managers and staff in Turkish companies, even in international ones. It definitely should be supported by some quantitative and qualitative researches, but I believe based on my solid experiences there are two important reasons. The first one is, because lack of any kind of colonial history the business language in Turkey is not French, English, Russian or whatever, but only Turkish. If you don’t know Turkish you cannot make business in Turkey. In fact it is a hidden market barrier protecting “natively” Turkish speaking professionals. It is also the reason why relatively fewer professionals in Turkey know any foreign language fluently. Briefly they don’t need it. However when we look at the other side of that “market barrier” this self-sufficiency is also concluded relatively fewer professionals from Turkey in global markets. For instance think about Lebanese, Jordanian, Egyptian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Polish, even Iranian guys you met in different countries. The second reason is a bit more complicated. Turkey is one of the very few countries all over the world hasn’t got strict social classes and pass-through ways between socio-economic classes especially via nation-wide exams for schools, so universities. It means a real and sustainable hope for the future for everyone and disintegrability with the other societies which don’t have pass-through ways in such a degree. Briefly it is not easy to understand (so to work with) for Turkish professionals for example always smiling, apologetic and shaking heads South Asian guys, (I hope only ) as a perception arrogant (android)and distant North European guys, and again as a perception rigid and asocial Eastern European guys. Don’t you think so?